Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Someone tell me what a "Jagger" actually is? ( I thought it was a car...)

Let's get it out there. Any artist that bases their entire song around the appeal to an omnipotent "DJ" to "turn it up"whilst writhing in what can only be described as swimwear, can find themselves absent from my iTunes collection...

Hmm, hear that strange sound?
That's the sound of me lying to myself.

Cher Lloyd is everything i despise. She's self absorbed. She's impolite. Her lyrics would be far improved if somebody threw a can of alphabetti-spaghetti at a wall.
So why the heck have i got "Swagger Jagger" on repeat?
I know how i'll get around this. I'll attribute any affection i have for the song to "The Runners" -Those who actually wrote this song.
Upon first hearing it, thought the intro was catchy. The hook is cleverly based on the nursery rhyme "My darling Clementine" so your initial reaction is 'oh, i know this.' No need to work on a new infectious melody, we have one ready made. Clever ....Then she opens her mouth.
"You can't stop staring at me, looking at me" etc.... Good Lord...
It's actually a shame, because she's a very talented singer, as she proved when appearing on singing competition XFactor. She doesn't need all this façade; the 5 inches of eyeliner and "screw you attitude" just makes her less likeable and detracts from her music. Also, she's limiting herself to a certain audience. Young chavettes will look at her and think 'Yes, this is the look', whereas older more, ahem, mature listeners may be ashamed of associating their ears with her image. Also she seems to be confirming the already well-worn stereotype that teenagers constantly stomp around showcasing their obnoxiousness.
It's not classy or sexy. She's a woman, not some 13 year old.

Grow up and lose the attitude Cher, and i might not worry about telling my friends that i actually like this song.

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