Saturday 14 January 2012

Midnight Mixtape

I've just got in, I've only had a little to drink and i'm currently eating strawberries. WHAT better time known to man than to compile a mixtape of songs i've been attached to for the past couple of weeks for you my lovely followers?  Just for fun :) 

Vampire Weekend
Whatever, it's old, but that riff earned it the honor of being my ringtone. Therefore it's first in my list.

The Rapture
Yes, sorry, I'm one of those people that got this off Misfits, but it takes nothing away from the fact that it's a tune.

Cansei De Ser Sexy
"Art Bitch"
Obscene lyrics that border insanity, but this song swaggers with narcissism and sarcasm. "I sell my paintings to the men i eat" Sexyyy

The Horrors. 
"You think I'm lonely"
This is odd but brilliant. I think his voice sounds like the Julian from The Strokes, but after he's had a line. 

Dresden Dolls
"Girl Anachronism"
Sticking to theme of crazy songs that shouldn't work but just do. "I might join this century but only on a rare occasion" This is one of my most favourite bands/songs/lyrics/everything/ever.

The Vaccines
 We all love a bit of indie pop Damn it! Catchier than the flu. I literally refused to play this song whilst compiling this mixtape because i didn't want an ear worm whilst trying to sift through my ipod aha

The Black Keys
"I got a love that keeps me waiting."
I always have this song on repeat when i'm driving back from work, it's sing-along friendly and harks back to a bit of traditional rock.

"Anna Molly"
Again, one that's old. Again, i don't care because it's such a good song. "'I picture your face in the back of my eyes" I also adore clever word-play. Anomoly?

Bombay Bicycle Club.
It's the best one on the album, an album which is, in all fairness, good, but a bit same-y. However, i've pissed myself off singing it so many times, so it has to be in my list.

Regina Spektor
"Hotel Song"
Her voice is amazing and this song is just cute (:

(At this point i would like to say that I'm not sure of the appropriate mixtape length before it becomes a drag. So 10's a nice round number, let's stick with that)

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