Thursday 15 December 2011

Long overdue Blog

There's a concept I've wanted to plug since back in September when Jonny Doom reccomended it to me. 
(If you don't know who Jonny Doom is, he's a DJ on Kerrang radio 105.2, so he knows his music.)
For this blog i'm reaching into my inner metal-head. Hey, you gotta embrace all kinds of music right?
KORN- "Get Up"

Doom showed me "Get Up'' after discussing the popular new wave of Dubstep music and how it seems to be infiltrating the rock world. I'm by no means a weathered metal fan, but Korn is a band made notorious for the grimy rock they create.
Crossing Metal with dubstep isn't quite as absurd as you'd first think. It's not like it's the first time this kind of electro vibe has left it's stain on rock- if you stretch the borders a little, then you could refer back to Muse- Hysteria- One of THE beefiest riffs ever.
However I'm not talking about the flimsy softened-down club dubstep, i'm on about the pure electro bass beat that tears it's way out of the speakers with its teeth bared and nose, bloody. A good friend initiated my love for proper Dubstep with Noisia-Maschine gun, (seriously, click that link, it's awesome) as apparently it's big in Bulgaria (shout out to Sofia lol.) When you take it apart, it has got alot in common with a heavy rock track; Dubstep has the same rawness, and the same experimentation with sounds and textures on top of the tidal bass and drum. 
My friend had it down in one; "It makes you want to either kill someone, or f**k them"
It's not exactly the most easy of listening, or the most mature of genres, but it sure gets the adrenaline going; and what is art if not provocative?

NME said Korn's album was "close to a car crash" But then i get the feeling that NME reviewers are somewhat close-minded and "2Kwl4Skwl" I commend Korn for recognising the ways that the two genres parallel, and for extracting its full potential. If anything i think the dubstep influences make the track sound heavier and more exciting.
Yeah, ok, it can grate on you after a while, but then so can anything else if you're not in the mood for it. And would i prescribe you any music that was altogether awful? No.
This song is initially to be taken sparingly, but then liberally and with a lot of volume should the situation arise.

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