Monday 30 May 2011


Best cover of a song
To answer this song you must first come up with a good song that was skilfully and creatively covered by a second, equally good band.
Jolene-White Stripes.
Origionally by Dolly Parton, the entire song tugs on the ol' heart strings. Unusually, it is sung from the victim-of-the-Pussycatdoll's"Doncha'-wish-your-girlfriend-was-hot-like-me"-'s perspective.
Dolly is that girlfriend. 
So what makes the white stripes cover so good?
Well, it's accurate. All too many covers rape the song of what made it great in the first place. The familiar string picking in the intro keeps the country feel while the grumble of the drums and guitar keeps it modern. Yes, White goes a little off pitch at times, but that's what makes it great. This man is screaming his passion; He adds the punctuation to the sentance "Please don't take my man!"

A song that you always hear but you're not sure where from.
Catchy riffs that are lodged somewhere in the back of your brain, and lyrics that seem tattooed on your tongue; you know every word, but how??

"I like you, yeah i like you, and i'm feeling so bohemian like you, and i feel woo ho, woo!"
Sound familiar?
Dandy Warhols-Bohemian like you.
Reaching Platinum status in the year 2000, It's one of those songs that's just legendary. It's upbeat, fun and prods that "get up and dance" lobe in all of us.
Oh and the keyboardist is a girl. That's cool.
Her name is Zia, even more cool.

Song with the best opening line.
The Libertines...."What waster, what a f*king waster"

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